I’m very picky when it comes to juice. My stomach is sensitive to fruit acid like you find in Tropicana juices, so I’m always on the hunt to find a juice with the perfect combination of healthy, tasty, and easy on the belly.
President’s choice Orange, Cranberry, Raspberry juice use to be my favourite, but I have found a new one that I need to tell the world about. It is called V8 fusion.
I’m sure you are all familiar with the original V8 drink, which I personally have to plug my nose to even try. Well the maker’s of V8 vegetable juice has created a new beverage -- a hybrid like the new hybrid cars that use two types of fuel. This drink brings together the best of both worlds: fruit and vegetable. It gives you a full serving of vegetables plus a full serving of fruits in every 8-oz glass. And let me be the first to tell you that it tastes AWESOME! My favourite flavour is Pomegranate Blueberry.
I find it easy to eat a lot of fruit during the day but being able to find one more way to squeeze in some vegetables is fantastic. The next time you are in the grocery store look for V8 Fusion and let me know if you agree.
I’m a foodie. I love the enjoyment that comes with eating great food. I’m not talking about chips, cookies, or any kind of junk food. I’m talking about fabulous dips, risotto, grilled salmon, home-made bread, filet mignon with a balsamic reduction…need I say more.
I have been known to talk about what I should have for my next meal before I finish the meal I’m having. I love watching the food network and would spend my first lotto winning's on hiring a professional chef live with me.
Of all the food items I love there is one thing that makes me smile inside and out. You know the kind of food that once you put it in your mouth you instantly warm and fuzzy all over? That guilty pleasure for me is a good croissant. I can’t get enough of a fresh croissant from a bakery, especially in Europe. It is the perfect combination between bread and dessert. I know it is 80% butter, but I could never turn one down. Oh and a chocolate croissant is simply heaven on a plate – no dessert tops that for me (Maybe Erica’s special chocolate and cinnamon cake).
I don’t know whether I’m like this because my spent my entire youth in the hospitality industry or the fact that I’m surrounded by such amazing cooks, minus me. All I know is that a good meal or croissant is worth every calorie no matter what Dr.Oz says. If you disagree with me I would suggest you watch the Disney movie “Ratatouille”. Enough said.
Bon appétit!
I have had enough…I don’t want to hear it…I simply can’t take it anymore!
Why do people have to tell you how much money they spent on a purchase? I’m not talking about the people who tell you about great deals on flights. I’m also not talking about the people who tell you what they spent because they feel guilty for shopping and want you to know they didn’t spend that much. I’m talking about the people who constantly tell you what they paid, whether it is the shirt on their back or the paint on their walls, because it makes them feel good.
Let me give you a few examples…
Scenario 1
Q: “I love your living room. It's so cozy”
A: “Thanks. These curtains were only $4 at Costco and this couch was $100 since it had a small mark on it. Oh and did I mention that the lightening was only $8 a piece.”
Scenario 2
Q: “I have that same shirt. Did you get it at Banana?”
A: “Actually I got it at Winner’s for only $15.”
Please stop. Seriously people, please stop this insanity. I use to think that people did this to help other people find deals but then I realized they do this to feel like the superior shopper. It is the notion of one person being good with money and the other not so good. It is placing judgment without actually saying it. And regardless of whether you paid full price or half price, the answer to “I love your living room” is “thank you, we love it too.” And if someone says that they have the same shirt as you, don’t tell them how much you paid when you know they probably paid full price - that’s just rude.
Personally, I do not place any judgment on what people buy. If you want to spend a lot of money on a hair cut or a fancy car - all the power to you. There is no need for any of us to know the dollars and cents behind other people’s purchases and frankly I don’t want to hear it.
It is always great to get things for less than they are worth. It is the greatest feeling. But my plea is for people to keep this enjoyment to themselves. Let’s save the money talk for our accountants.
There was an article in the Fact & Arguments section of the Globe and Mail that really hit home for me. The title was "It sucks to look like a kid". Right away I felt a connection to this writer. I was thrilled that someone else suffers from the same issue that I do – looking like a teenager when you are actually an adult.
If you look at pictures of me from high school and pictures of me now, the only real difference is less chub in the cheeks, but that is it. I’m about to be 30 and I could pass as one of my husband’s students!
I understand that looking young is suppose to be a good thing. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard "You will be grateful when your in you sixties." Frankly that is a long time to wait!I’m not saying that I want to have wrinkles or weathered skin. I'm simply looking for the respect you get that comes with looking your age. When you are an adolescent, you don’t really care whether other people respect you (perhaps it is because you think you are always right) but once you are in the work force and making grown-up purchases like a house or insurance, respect is essential. Nothing bothers me more than being told that I look to young to doing the things I do or that I couldn’t possibly relate to the content of a conversation. It drives me bananas!
I have tried to do things that I thought would make myself look older but nothing helps. A new hair colour, new clothes, glasses, eye make-up and more. C'est la vie - I’m destined to look 17 for the remainder of my life. The only thing I have going for me is my love of easy listening, my practical approach to things, and my huge Mum wallet. If I pull out my wallet at the LCBO, they instantly know that I’m over the age of 19.
I would appreciate any input from my readers but my next step is to enter a contest where I could win a complete make-over. Wish me luck!