We all know that the skin colour on our chest (for women) is the purest representation of our natural skin colour. It is the one area that never totally gets direct sunlight, unless you are in Europe with the rest of the topless tanners. Infact the chest area is often used to measure how well we are tanning.
So in the winter, months and months will pass without your body seeing the light of day and it is not a good thing. I find my confidence in my looks definitely hits an all time low. Sure the dermatologists think that no tan is a good thing, but lets just mention all the reasons why a tan is just fab-u-lous:
1. You don’t have to wear makeup
2. All your clothes look better on
3. Imperfections are harder to spot
4. Confidence increases dramatically
It is always this time of year where I’m torn between going to the tanning bed or waiting until summer. I know that beds are bad, but I can’t stand to look at myself any longer. Isn’t everything ok to do in moderation? My thought is that I could go to the tanning bed a couple of times and then call it a day.
All I can say is that I’m so jealous of those people with olive skin, my boyfriend being one of them. They do not know how great they have it!
jos...i know exactly how you feel. maybe get some nutorgena buil-a-tan...its pretty good stuff, not streaky and subtle.
Hey everyone,
Found this blog from "My two pennies". I really like the blogs, keep up the good work
I know exactly what you mean. I feel much more confident when I am tanned. I think you are right, in that a good tan hides the imperfections of our skin.
i say we all need to ask miss summer to hurry herself up and get here!! I am so tired of winter!!
hahaha...sorry jos. I'm one of those olive folk you speak of. and since i vacation at least once a winter, i usually look coloured compared to you pale folk....
LOL... I'm just teasing (sort of)
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