Thursday, March 22, 2007

Baby Face Theory

Lately I seem to be surrounded by either newborn babies or wonderful women about to have babies. Amongst all the baby talk there is one question that always becomes a part of the discussion - “I wonder who the baby will look like?”

It is time to stop the wondering.

As I have mentioned in previous entries, I have a lot theories. In time I hope to divulge them all to you in hopes of making you think of your own. One of my personal favourites tackles the daunting question of who our babies will look like. I must make a disclaimer now that this theory is only 99.9% accurate. I will admit that I have found a few instances where it doesn’t apply however that seems to be the case for most research.

My “Baby Face Theory” is as follows:

The first born child will look like the father and the second will look more like the mother. Then the third goes back to the father and so on and so forth. I’m sure some of you are thinking that this is a crazy theory but if you put it to the test you will see just how accurate it is.

So fellow blog readers, I put the challenge out there to test my theory and let me know if you agree.


little h. said...

jos sorry to burst your bubble, but of all my cousins and me the first born looks like the mum...although on occasion people say i look like my dad, but my sis the second...again my mum, and my mum...she has strong genes i think!

Anonymous said...

I have to disagree with Little h. The more I think about it, the more it is true with people I know. I am second born and look like my mum. Your theory holds true with most of my friends, and family, including my newly born niece. I can't wait to see if my sister's second born looks like her! Remember little h, the theory is only 99.9% accurate.

Anonymous said...

my sister (the oldest) looks like she was adopted - if the mailman looked like my sister your theory would still be off due to the following data:
My brother = 2 and looks like mum and me = 3 = dad - these should be reversed if my sister is the mailman's.